Maxis Berhad - Annual Report 2015 - page 28

Maxis Berhad
Annual Report 2015
Directors’ Profiles
He holds a Bachelor of Business (Honours) - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
He is a fellow of CPA Australia and is a member of Australian Institute of Company
Working Experience/ Occupation
He retired from Telstra Corporation in September 2015 after 5 and
a half years leading a major transformation of its operation. Telstra is the Australia’s
largest full service telco with a market capitalisation of over $74 billion, provides
16.4 million mobile services, 7.4 million fixed voice services, 3 million retail fixed
broadband services and has 3 million PayTV subscribers and International operations
in 15 countries, including China, Indonesia and the Philippines
His role at Telstra also involved regular, active participation on the company’s
Business Unit Performance Review Committee, Strategy Committee, M&A Committee,
Capital Investment Management Committee, Growth Committee, Customer Advocacy
Committee and Risk Committee.
He is currently a Chairman and Director of Foxtel Pty Ltd (joint venture between
Telstra and, News Ltd). He was a Director of various companies/Boards in Australia
and elsewhere from 2003 to 2010.
His international experience includes living and working in the US and UK together
with extensive experience in transformation projects for many companies in Asia,
Europe, North and South America.
Directorship(s) in other public company(ies)
Please also refer to Note 6 on page 28 of this Annual Report
Nationality :
Age :
Membership of Board Committee :
Date of Appointment as Director of Maxis :
7 March 2016
Robert Alan Nason
Independent Director
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