Overview Our Business
Strategic Review
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
Other Information
The AGM is the principal forum for dialogue with all shareholders who are encouraged and given sufficient opportunity to enquire
about the Group’s activities and prospects as well as to communicate their expectations and concerns. The Board has taken
reasonable steps to encourage shareholder participation at general meetings. Shareholders are encouraged to participate in the
Question and Answer session on the resolutions being proposed or on the Group’s operations in general.
Shareholders who are unable to attend are allowed to appoint proxies in accordance with the Company’s Articles to attend and
vote on their behalf. The Chairman and Board members are in attendance to provide clarification on shareholders’ queries.
Where appropriate, the Chairman of the Board will endeavour to provide the shareholders with written answers to any significant
questions that cannot be readily answered during the AGM. Shareholders are welcome to raise queries by contacting Maxis at any
time throughout the year and not only at the AGM.
The Companies Act, 1965 and the Company’s Articles require 21 days’ notice for the AGM but the Company has gone beyond
the prescribed requirement to issue a notice with 28 days’ notice period. Notice of the annual general meeting is advertised
in a national circulated daily newspaper. The notice of the general meeting, which includes any item of special business, will
be accompanied by a statement regarding the effect of any proposed resolution in respect of such special business. Separate
resolutions are proposed for substantially separate issues at the AGM.
An email account has also been created to attend to all queries from shareholders pertaining to this Annual Report, including any
queries relating to the use of CD-ROM, form of proxy and all other matters relating to the forthcoming AGM. The email address is
and this will be valid from 23 March 2016 to 20 April 2016 for this purpose.
The Board considers electronic poll voting as a viable voting option for its shareholders to be implemented in the future provided
that it is able to satisfy itself that the infrastructure is reliable and cost effective. The Chairman would at the outset of general
meetings inform the shareholders of their right to request to vote by poll.
In light of the requirements stipulated under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007, the Bursa Securities’ Corporate
Governance Guide and the Companies Act, 1965, the Board recognises the importance of whistle-blowing and is committed to
maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct within the Group.
A secure reporting mechanism for employees and third parties called the ‘Ethics Hotline’ has been established to report any
alleged unethical behavior, actual or suspected fraud within the Group. Dedicated channels for reporting have been set up.
These channels, under the custody of the Internal Audit Department, are:
(i) Call or SMS to Ethics Hotline number (03-2330 6678 or 017-200 3922);
(ii) Email to
(iii) Letters/documents to the Ethics Hotline Office c/o Internal Audit Department (Level 21, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City
Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
The Board and the Management give their assurance that employees’ and third parties’ identities are kept confidential and
that whistle-blowers will not be at risk of any form of victimisation or retaliation from their superiors or any member of the
Management provided that they act in good faith in their reporting. All concerns raised will be investigated by a team comprising
Internal Audit, People & Organisation personnel and/or line management. All fraud and cases of unethical conduct will be
deliberated at the Defalcation Committee (an internal committee comprising Maxis Management Team as members) which meets
regularly on matters pertaining to fraud and unethical practices. A report is provided to the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.
Corporate Governance